Hiring rooms
Hire our premises for £15.00 an hour
or £40.00` a session(up to 3 hours )
We welcome you to our Friends Meeting House and hope you will have a successful event.
We feel fortunate to have this building and wish to make it available to the community for hire at reasonable rates.
In return we ask Hirers to show consideration for other users of the premises by treating the facilities with respect and bear in mind that it is a place of worship.
Booking Arrangements
Please note that all new Hirers will need to be approved by Eastbourne Friends at the monthly Business Meeting.
New Hirers will need to take account of this and allow time when planning an event.
We reserve the right to refuse to hire the Meeting House to organisations whose activities are incompatible with Quaker principles and beliefs
Payment of Charges
Normally Hirers are invoiced quarterly.
However this can be varied to be mutually suitable.
We ask Hirers to pay invoices promptly.
Payment details are given on the invoices.
We ask Hirers to give good notice if they need to cancel a booking, so that the rooms can be made available to others.
We don't normally charge for cancelled bookings but may review this if a Hirer repeatedly cancels at short notice.
To discuss, or arrange a possible hiring,
please contact our Hiring Clerk.
please contact our Hiring Clerk.
07475 648 733
Conditions of hire for Eastbourne Meeting House